

PASS-WORLD Higher Business School Alliance Program

November 27, 2015   click:

About the PASS-WORLD Higher Business School Alliance
The PASS-WORLD Higher Business School Alliance is an international alliance for enrolling undergraduates and postgraduates, which include seven famous business schools, Burgundy School of Business, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Novancia Business School, Normandy Business School, La Rochelle Business School, Strasbourg Business School, and Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de TROYES. They are all the members of Les Grandes Ecoles.
Students can apply for the business schools in the alliance through their enrollment platform. The majors cover a variety of business studies, for instance, finance, financial management, financial auditing, international business, tourism, hotel management, supply chain and logistics management, and management of grape wine.

About the Program
Requirements and Certificates

Students from the School of Management can apply for “4+2” Program (four years at NIT and two years in France) or “3+2” Program (three years at NIT and two years in France) after passing both the written exam and the interview offered by the PASS-WORLD Higher Business School Alliance. Students will be awarded the Bachelors degrees and the diplomas of NIT after they successfully finish the undergraduate program. Students will also be awarded the Masters degrees by the French schools after they successfully complete their postgraduate program.

Program Cost
Students need to pay merely the registration fee to NIT as usual and the tuition (about £7500~11911 per year) to the French school.

Link to PASS-WORLD Higher Business School Alliance