

Stephen’s Place

December 22, 2015   click:

Dear Stephen,

As you know, terrorist attacks on anunprecedented scaleoccurred in Paris, France,on November 13, 2015, resulting in the death of 130 people and inciting the wrath of all around the world who love peace. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria(ISIS) has claimed responsibility for these horrific attacks. While people continue to express their concern and offer prayers for the people of Paris, they also condemn thecruel behaviors and destructive intentions of terrorist organizations such as ISIS.

The Paristragedy reminds me of other major terrorist actionssuch as the 9/11 attack on New York City, which killed almost 3,000 Americans. Why do suchattacks happen time and time again when most people in the world are keen to live inpeace? What can be done to achieve long-term peace?

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Wang Zhen(王珍)


Dear Wang Zhen,

Just a few days ago, another terrorist attack occurred in the United States, in the state of California, in which two ISIS supporters brutally murdered at least 14 people who were attending a holiday gathering. So, the citizens of my country and people around the world are once again urgently asking themselves the same question. By studying media reports, one can gain an idea of the wide range of human responses to such an event.Clearly, everyone desperately wishes that such violent attacks against humanity would stop forever. But is there a realistic solution? I can only offer you a few personal observations.

Aggression begets aggression. America’s response to the 9/11 terrorist attack was to launch a global ‘war on terror.’ Initially, hostilities were directed at the country of Iraq but then spilled into Afghanistan and now Syria as well as other countries. Manythink that the emergence of the Islamic State is a response to this aggression.To counter the growing threat, several other countries have recently declared war against ISIS. Will the cycle of violenceever end? Essentially, a ‘war on terror’ is a vaguely-defined ‘war on fear.’ And it is not difficult to understand why such warsinevitably fail in the end, given that fear lies at the very core of human nature.

Love begets love. At some point in the future, wefinally may come see ourselves as universal beings —as members of an intricately-connected global familyunited by common interests and aspirations.We will come to realize that love, not aggression, is the only answer. The promise of living inharmonywill overcome our fear.

Optimistically yours,
