

Buzz Words

November 23, 2014   click:

政治司法类 (Politics and Justice)

庭审直播 live broadcasts of court trials

司法公开 judicial openness

直播预告 notices ahead of broadcasts

经济金融类 (Economics and Finance)

转账 money transfers

人民币自由兑换 full convertibility of the Yuan

融资总量 aggregate financing

影子银行 shadow banking

社会融资 social financing

公开发行 public issuance

离岸账户 offshore accounts

反倾销调查 anti-dumping investigation

反倾销税 anti-dumping tariffs

文明类 (Chinese Civilization)

珠算 abacus

国家级非物质文化遗产 national-level intangible cultural heritage

指南针 compass

火药 gunpowder

印刷术 printing

造纸 paper making

文化符号 cultural symbol

春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period

社会生活类 (Social Life)

北京市户口 household registration in Beijing

短信终结语 text killer

无领一族 no collar

低头族 phubbing

电视脸 TV face

分开同居 living apart together

海淘 overseas on-line shopping / shopping on overseas sites

代购 overseas purchasing agency