

Be a Real “Dream Pursuer”!

February 20, 2014   click:

Hua Shao, host of the Voice of China television show, visited NIT on September 14th to share with NIT students his thoughts about pursuing one’s dream. Voice of China is an adaptation of an original Dutch musical broadcast, and became one of the most popular singing competitions in China after it was aired on Zhejiang Satellite TV. As a successful host, Hua Shao is well-known for his humor and extremely fast speech tempo.

In his presentation, Hua Shao introduced students to his new book, in which he reveals how he transformed from a child with mild autism to the popular host of the national Voice of China show. He told students of the many difficulties that he encountered along the way. As a young child, he was an introvert, and was afraid to communicate with others. It was not until he was given the chance to recite some of his own work in senior high school that he discovered his talent for language. Looking back, he sees that event as a turning point in his life.

From then on, he pursued his dream of becoming a broadcaster or TV show host, but it was never easy. When he eventually landed a job as a part-time host, he had to spend hours shuttling back and forth between his college and the TV station. At one point, he decided to give up a well-paid job with the Zhejiang Broadcasting Station to become a host for Zhejiang Satellite TV, which was a completely new area for him. Overcoming many difficulties, he stuck to his goal unswervingly. Now, his many efforts have been rewarded, and he has realized his dream of becoming a successful TV show host.

Hua Shao’s compelling story sets a fine example for all young people who cherish and pursue their dreams. His dream guided him all the way to his goal, and his perseverance, passion, and endurance were key elements in his success. He now has become an idol for many young people who have been inspired and encouraged by his personal story.

Everyone has a dream, but some fail to take the initiative to make their dreams come true; others give up their dreams before they have been realized. Those who will see their dreams come true are those who can persist, take action, and make great efforts. To realize one’s dream is not an easy task, but once you’ve made up your mind to be a real “dream pursuer”, you have taken the first great leap forward toward success. Hua Shao’s example shows us that one’s efforts will be rewarded, sooner or later.