

Love Affairs

September 18, 2012   click:

Dear Andy,

I am a freshman at NIT. Romantic scenery rouses up my longing for a boyfriend at college

I don’t know whether it is high time for me to fall in love with the Mr. Right.


Dear Shirley,

Many freshmen are asking the same question, do I search for Mr. Right?

While I agree with students having relationships, they are not right for everyone. Many things must be considered, such as maturity, career goals and family. In my opinion, you may find a relationship but, it is very unlikely you will find Mr. Right.

Today, societal expectations and family pressure is on the daughter to marry for financial stability and to continue the family blood line, many times resulting in a poor choice of a life’s partner. While couples do not enter into a relationship expecting it to fail, the reality is that many do.

Yes, you may feel lonely and even envy those with boyfriends, just remember that life at college is not the real world. After you graduate life will change dramatically, you will be under the constant pressure of work and this will affect any relationship.

Your time at university should be one of maturing as a person and finding your way in life, expanding your social skills, your studies and the next 4 years will pass quickly.

So, do you look for Mr. Right, I would say no, a relationship, possibly?

And, finally if you need to ask the question am I ready for a relationship, I would say no.