

4th Graduate Thesis Parallel Session Opened At NIT

November 14, 2015   click:

With approximately 100 graduate students from NIT and Ningbo University attending, the 4th graduate thesis parallel session, part of the 2012 Ningbo Postgraduate Academic Festival, was held in room SB415 of the South Building on the afternoon of November 2nd.
On behalf of NIT, Vice-President Zheng Di warmly welcomed teachers and students to the session. He praised the festival for offering a platform for academic exchange and career development. Ten graduates from NIT and Ningbo University gave reports on their theses, which created great interest and vigorous discussion.
Hao Tingting, from the School of Materials at Ningbo University, won an award for best presentation. Haos thesis presentation was deemed superior due to its excellent organization and the enthusiastic exchange which followed. In addition, Mao Yuqiao from NITs School of Civil Engineering, and Zhang Zhanhui from the School of Mechanics and Energy, won awards for best questioning.