

Alec Su Speaks at NIT about Directing ‘The Left Ear’

September 15, 2015   click:

On the afternoon of April 17, 2015, Alec Su, well-known director of the popular film "The Left Ear", visited the NIT campus.

Since its release, "The Left Ear", which was adapted from Rao Xueman's novel of the same name, has attracted much attention and has developed a nationwide fan following. The film is a moving story about the beauty and pain of youth in modern China. It vividly shapes and follows the lives of a cast of characters including Xiao Erduo, Bala, Zhang Yang, Xu Yi and Hei Ren. The cinematic account of their personal struggles and triumphs has resonated strongly with audiences, perhaps because they are reflective of the shared collective memory of this generation.
In his presentation to NIT students, Alec Su explained his conception of the film as follows: "The Left Ear" is part true story, part dramatization and is very down-to-earth in the way it depicts the lives of its characters. In my opinion, authenticity is the most important element of a truly excellent film. I hate affectation. I want the actors to be as natural as possible in their performances, and I also require that the movie sets be both familiar and authentic.
A student in the audience asked Su, "Were you nervous while making the film?" He answered, "Yes, of course. For many years I had been working behind the scenes of film productions, and at times I lost touch with the media itself as well as its communicative purpose. I became nervous and always felt tired. Directing this film changed all of that. I felt re-connected to my personal goals and worked very hard to make sure everything went smoothly.
Alec Su's well-received presentation, which was part of the NIT activity "Film and TV Culture on Campus", was co-sponsored by NIT and the Ningbo Municipal Museum and was organized as a service for students in all of the colleges and universities in Ningbo city. As part of this program, well-known film stars and outstanding film and TV crews are invited to preview their latest works on local campuses. These events provide students with an outstanding opportunity to learn more about the industry and also to interact in person with the stars and with talented production workers.
After the presentation, an NIT student observed, "Listening to Alec Su's words and being allowed to communicate with him directly has broadened my understanding of the film industry and has increased my appreciation for the artistic talent and level of effort this media form requires. "The Left Ear" is a great example of the kind of film that can help to raise the level of cinematic arts and television culture both on campus and throughout our city. I'm really looking forward to the next event in this series!