

Librarians from Jiangsu Universities Visit NIT

May 27, 2014   click:

On the afternoon of May 15th, Professor Bao Ping, director of university academic work and head of the professional committee for continuing education in Jiangsu province,visited the library at NIT. Accompanying Professor Bao were thirteen delegates, also from Jiangsu.

During the visit, NIT chief librarian, Zhao Jihai, and his deputy, YanHuiying, introduced the librarys information center to the group of librariansfrom Jiangsu.They represented the following universities: Nanjing University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Technological University, China Pharmaceutical University, Jiangnan University, Jiangsu Normal University, Nanjing Normal University, the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and the Nanjing Communications Institute of Technology. Following the introduction, the delegates engaged in a lively exchange of information about library science and related business issues.