

NIT Student Admitted to ECNU

June 24, 2014   click:

On April 4th, the School of Public Administration of East China Normal University (ECNU)posted the results of its final round of testing. Ke Lele, a former NIT marketing student, was ranked first among the candidates and was admitted to an ECNU graduate program in educational economy and management.

In the preliminary round of testing, Ke Lele had achieved a third-place ranking with a score of 385. When the subsequent rounds of written tests, interviews, and oral English tests finally came to an end, she had surpassed numerous candidates from higher-ranked universities to win the coveted first place with the high score of 662.

During her years at NIT, Ke Lele served as class monitor and as the first minister of the Service Department for Test-takers. In addition, she won both the first and second scholarships, and in 2013 was honored as one of a group of outstanding university graduates at the provincial level.