

NIT Programmers Win Medals at All-Asia Contest

March 14, 2014   click:

The 38th annual ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC), Asia Group, was held on December 8, 2013. Several teams of NIT students participated in the international contest and brought home two silver medals, one bronze, and five honorable mentions.

The number of universities participating in the influential ACM-ICPC competition has been rising sharply in recent years, and the competition is predictably fierce. Despite the intense pressure and the many challenges to their technical ability, the NIT teams performed excellently.

The NIT Post interviewed Chen Kang, who won the silver medal. Chen commented, “We encountered a number of difficulties during the contest and at times thought we might not make a good showing, but we adjusted our strategy and came out well in the end. We didnt let the obstacles get to us – we continued to believe that we could succeed.” Another competitor, Chens roommate, added: “Chen and his team were diligent and consistent. They used their time efficiently and seized upon opportunities when they arose. To prepare for the competition, they almost lived in the computer lab; I hardly saw them during the two weeks prior to the contest.”

The notable performance of NITs computer programming teams at this years ACM contest proved once again the truth of the familiar saying: “No pain, no gain.”