

Lessons from “Running Man”

December 23, 2013   click:

On the afternoon of December 14th, an Outward Bound game called “Running Man” was held on the NIT campus. Outward Bound is an international organization that teaches interpersonal and leadership skills in their courses. The event was organized by the Charity Center of the Clover and Sunflower Yuexin Association of NIT's School of Media and Design, with the goals ofbuilding team cohesion, promotinginterpersonalrelationships, and enabling participants to exploretheir inner potential.


The “Running Man”game, which is based on patterns of interaction in grouptasks, presents each participant with a series of interrelated problem-solving tasks that require adaptive coping. When the game is completed, each group summarizes its successes and failures, and competencies gained by the experience are emphasized.

The game requires that eachparticipant cooperate effectively with othersin order to succeed. The activity also encourages the exchange of warm hugs and the sharing of personal feelings in order to increase familiarity among group members and to promote team cohesion. One of the “Running Man” players, Yu Mengqian, observed: "Alone, an individuals power is rather weak, but it gets much stronger in a team. The success of one individualdoesnot necessarily advancethe whole group. The game demonstrates how great progress canbe made only if every team member cooperates and works together with others."

The "Running Man" game was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Afterward,individual participants and groupsreflected onthe many practical lessons they had learned about the value of cooperation and persistence in life. These profound perceptions will certainly have a positive effect on their future endeavors.