

Swissnex China Delegation Visits NIT

September 23, 2013   click:

On the afternoon of September 10th, Shi Bodong, Office Manager of the Guangdong office of Swissnex China, visited NIT. He was accompanied by Cai Jiemin, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau.

President Jin Weiliang, Vice-president Zheng Di, and Deputy Secretary Huang Guangjie warmly welcomed Mr. Shi and the other members of the Swissnex delegation. A symposium was held at which Present Jin discussed current developments at NIT. Mr. Shi spoke about the system of higher education in Switzerland, focusing on his experience at SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland). The two parties discussed a planned joint training program for postgraduates which aims to expand international educational and academic cooperation and to take full advantage of the fact that Ningbo has been designated a pilot reform area for international educational cooperation.

Swissnex China, an initiative of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is based in Shanghai. Its goal is to fully exploit the potential for cooperation between Switzerland and China in the fields of higher education, research, technology, innovation and culture.