

School of Management Receives Good News About National University Marketing Contest (Zhejiang Provin

October 30, 2012   click:

On October 13th and 14th, the Zhejiang Provincial Finals of the Fifth National University Marketing Contest was held at China Jiliang University. NIT team member Qi Xin won eighth place in the undergraduate group under teacher Bao Lipings guidance. All five team members performed outstandingly in the three parts of the contest. For their 3-month sales total, they collected more than 60,000 Yuan, won fourth place in the ERP sand table simulation, and won third place in the planning debate program. The NIT teams total score gave them eighth place in the undergraduate group.
This contest is one of the most popular and authoritative marketing competitions. It is jointly hosted by the China Marketing Association of CASS, NEEA, and CICASME, MIIT. The Zhejiang Provincial Final started in July and lasted three and a half months. Students from 56 schools (21 colleges and 35 universities) competed in the contest.
One particular feature of the contest is that every participating team chooses products from the Wahaha group, the main sponsor, as planning and sales objects in the sections of market research, marketing planning, sales and advertising.