

NIT Team Wins First Prize at an International Contest

September 18, 2012   click:

Recently, results of the 2011 American Mathematical Contest in Modeling were announced. NIT school team, composed of Zhang Shangyong, Gu Zhengping and Xu Yanhao from the Computer Information School took first place in the competition.
“American Mathematical Contest in Modeling” is an important global event which shifts from the traditional form of competition test by publicizing the subject on the Internet and requires its participants to employ a variety of external resources and finally submit solutions to the competition questions in the form of papers within specified period of time. 2,775 teams from universities of over 16 countries took part in this competition, including University of Minnesota, Duke University, Qinghua University, Beijing University, Zhejiang University.
After four long days, participating teams submitted their solutions to the problems. The competition tested not only the knowledge and wisdom of the students, but also the persistence of the teams. Our team demonstrated their innovative spirit during the competition.