

Forum on the Needs and Cultivation of Cross-cultural Talents Held at Ningbo Institute of Technology

September 18, 2012   click:

The forum on ;The Needs and Cultivation of Cross-cultural Talents was held at the Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (NIT) on 22nd May 2012. Foreign guests and student representatives gave an in-depth discussion on topics including the needs of overseas-funded enterprises in Ningbo, how to think globally and act locally, and how to enhance the students cross-cultural awareness and communication skills.
This forum was jointly organised by NIT and the Centre for International Cultural Studies in Ningbo. Based on a series of activities conducted by the faculty and students at NIT over the past four years, this activity was initiated by NITs School of Foreign Language Studies. Meanwhile, the forum also saw the launch of a new book published by NIT named Beyond the Voices; Starting My Business in Ningbo. This bilingual book is a compilation of interviews conducted by the students of NIT with foreign businessmen in Ningbo, on their experiences and challenges in starting their business in the city.
Dr Karen L. Newman, a visiting instructor from the University of Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) delivered a speech on ;how to enhance students cross-cultural awareness. Based on interviews and questionnaires, she pointed out that students should be proactive in creating opportunities for international communications. At the same time, she expressed her hope that the school could enhance its English-learning environment for students so that they have more opportunities to practise conversing in English.
Ms Elaine Chan, editor of Ningbo Focus, Ningbos bilingual magazine, shared that Ningbo is growing rapidly: its economy, its infrastructure, and the engine driving this development is the people, and as such, there is a critical need for talents to not only learn to communicate in English, a globally spoken language, but also have the ability to cross cultural barriers. Cross cultural awareness and sensitivities are the foundation of communications, and should not be taken lightly especially in this hyper-mixed cultural environment like Ningbo. She also suggested that the students should ;think outside the box – in a global environment, the ;box extends far beyond local perimeters, thus, broaden the vision, yet narrow the focus.