

Forum on Media Law Studies in China: Past and Future

July 28, 2021   click:

Hosted by the School of Media and Law, the Forum on Media Law Studies in China: Past and Future was held between July 7th and 8th in Ningbo.

The forum is academically supported by the Professional Committee of Media Law and Ethics of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication, and co-organized by the Research Center for Cultural Rule of Law of the School of Cultural Industries Management of Communication University of China, the School of Journalism and Communication of Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Guangming School of Journalism and Communication of China University of Political Science and Law, and the School of Communication of East China University of Political Science and Law. Scholars from well-known domestic universities like China University of Political Science and Law, Communication University of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shandong University, Shandong University of Political Science and Law, Dalian University of Technology and Suzhou University gathered together with over 50 experts and scholars from institutions like Journalism Review and All-China Journalists Association. The forum was moderated by Prof. LI Danlin of the School of Cultural Industries Management, Communication University of China.

Prof. WU Fei, Dean of NingboTech's School of Media and Law, expressed his gratitude to academic journals and media organizations for their strong support in his welcoming speech. He then briefed the attendees on the background of the meeting, the basic situation of NingboTech and the School, with a focus on the targets set in the School's fourteenth five-year plan for the interdisciplinary integration of media and law as well as the distinctive discipline development. He concluded his remarks by wishing the forum a complete success.

Prof. WEI Yongzheng made a keynote speech in which he reviewed and summarized the development of media law from seven aspects: personality right, expression right and public opinion supervision, media law framework, radio and television law, computer-mediated communication, foreign research, and law and ethics. He then put forward suggestions for the implementation of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, Personal Information Protection Law, Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations related to communication activities. Prof. XU Xun, teacher from Guangming School of Journalism and Communication, China University of Political Science and Law, and former legal adviser to the China National Radio, Prof. ZHAN Jiang of the School of International Journalism and Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Prof. GU Liping of the school of Journalism and communication, Nanjing Normal University, and Prof. CHEN Tangfa of the School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, shared their research findings.

Prof. SUN Jiang, Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Prof. YAO Zejin, Executive Deputy Dean of Guangming School of Journalism and Communication, China University of Political Science and Law, Prof. FAN Yuji, Dean of the School of Communication, East China University of Political Science and Law, LIU Peng, editor-in-chief of Journalism Review, and Prof. LI Danlin of the School of Cultural Industries Management, Communication University of China, touched upon professional development, personnel training, media law research and other aspects during their illuminating sharing.

Prof. ZHANG Wenxiang of the School of Media and Law said in his concluding remarks that it is the duty and mission of contemporary scholars of media law to review and reflect on the researches on China's media law as China is striving to build a country ruled by law. The forum, serving as an opportunity to look back on the origin of researches on China's media law and envision its future trajectory, will surely promote academic research, discipline construction, personnel training, and social service of media law in China.