

FEI Yingqin attends the third World Congress on Marxism

August 14, 2021   click:

FEI Yingqin, Dean of the School of Marxism, attended the third World Congress on Marxism: Marxism and Modernization hosted by Peking University between July 17th and 18th. During the two-day event, FEI also paid a visit to the School of Marxism of Peking University, where he exchanged views with School officials and scholars including SUN Xiguo, SHEN Yang and YU Wenli, went to the exhibition in celebration of the CPC's centenary and got to learn more about the history of the School.

The conference, a grand gathering for over 60 international and over 200 Chinese scholars, is of historic significance since it coincides with the centenary of the CPC. With the theme of "Marxism and Modernization", the conference features 14 sub-forums and four high-level dialogues. Participants could attend both in person and via video link.

QIU Shuiping, Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of Peking University, LI Yi, Vice President of Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, JIANG Hui, senior researcher at the Institute of Information Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ZHAO Weidong, Executive Deputy Director of Publicity Department of Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC, addressed the conference. The opening ceremony was officiated at by WANG Bo, Vice President of Peking University.

GU Hailiang, Boya Chair Professor of Peking University, David McLellan, Emeritus Professor of the University of Kent, OUYANG Song, former Director of Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee, Prof. David M. Kotz of the University of Massachusetts, LI Zhongjie, former Deputy Director of Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee, Prof. Aleksandr Vladimirovich Buzgalin of Lomonosov Moscow State University, CHEN Jin, Dazhao Chair Professor of the School of Marxism, Peking University, delivered keynote speeches. Experts and scholars had in-depth and extensive discussions over Marxism in the new era from perspectives including modern theories of Marxism, the CPC and China's modernization, Xi Jinping's thoughts on building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.